Bespoke Loans and Mortgages 

Property Tribes Financial Services is a mortgage and insurance brand, provided by award winning H D Consultants. 
We provide you with access to the widest range of lenders, specialist banks and bridgers for the typical standard BTL arrangements, right through to high value and complex portfolio deals. No deal is too large. HMO's, portfolio, freehold streets, MUFB's, we have supported our Clients with all of these scenarios. 
To see if we can hope you too, please complete our brief enquiry form below. 
We're here to help. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 



Bespoke finance enquiry 

By clicking submit / send I/we expressly consent to be contacted with a view to bringing to my/our attention in the future, products or services that may be of interest to me/us: · Mortgage products not linked to my/our existing arrangement. · Any other products and services. 
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